
Weather App

This repository provides current weather condition and forecast for the next 5 days. It provides detailed information for the major cities of austrlia. It has a search button to search the desired city. it gets the information from openweathermap api. and stores the coordinates for a city in localstorage to be used if fetched again. Click on the app to see it working in a new page

Calandar App

This Calander App keeps a schedule of work day , The day starts at 9 and finishes at 4pm . a user can click on desired hour and edit the event. The hours are color coded the current hour is RED past hours are orange and the hours yet to come are GREEN.depending on the time of the day the color code changes . user can save the event and the event is saved to local storage . a user will get an alert if he tries to edit the event in the past time .

Javascript Quiz

This code runs a sample javascript quiz it runs for 20 seconds and every time the user makes a mistake time is deducted and for every correct answer one pont is given at the end the user can write his/her score and can compare it with other users to compare his/her points with the peers the link Hi-score provides the link to the users who have scored the points before the current user.